
Tasks of KAAGP

Continuous campaign for membership of the Philadelphia Korean Association, providing various benefits upon membership registration

Conduct a continued campaign to secure full members of KAAGP, and provide various benefits to full members.
1-1 Grant a “KAAGP full membership card” in case of signing up
1-2 Establish an affiliation with Korean American groceries, restaurants and other stores, and provide a discount to membership card holders.
1-3 Ensure that members benefit substantially by seeking ways for them to gain various advantages when visiting the Korean American associations of other states or South Korea.
1-4 Make an active use of the KAAGP website (promote business establishments by providing the current status of member registration and information of all affiliated stores)

2-1 Hold a regular General Assembly that requires the presence of 200 full members or more (Lunar New Year, Korean Thanksgiving Day, Year-end party)
2-2 Hold a regular Board of Directors meeting on a quarterly basis every year
2-3 Hold extraordinary and emergency Board of Directors meetings according to needs and requests.

3-1 Carry out 6 itinerant consular services annually
3-2 Establish a more effective system for public relations and reception

4-1 Hold a golf tournament to raise funds for the KAAGP building (in May)
4-2 Hold a golf tournament to raise funds for scholarship (in September)

5-1 Seek ways to make an effective use of the KAAGP building as well as to keep it clean and safe
5-2 Create a safe environment by installing the CCTV cameras and automatic door open system
5-3 Connect with neighboring high schools, and have Korean American students help keep the KAAGP building cleaner and organize documents, and assist with various events as part of juvenile volunteer service. Encourage them to participate voluntarily by granting an official certificate in the name of the KAAGP president in case they meet certain hours.

6-1 New Year ceremony
6-2 Independence Movement Day event
6-3 Korean War commemorative event
6-4 National Liberation Day celebration

7-1 Launch various campaigns aimed at raising the fund to manage KAAGP
7-2 Connect with Korean government organizations such as the Overseas Koreans Foundation
7-3 Connect with U.S. mainstream public organizations and for-profit groups

8-1 Make exchanges with the Korean American associations in surrounding areas such as New York, New Jersey and Washington, and exchange various information and cooperate in affairs through regular meetings
8-2 Cooperate with related agencies to raise funds

9-1 Meeting of the executive body’s president team
9-2 Meeting of the executive body’s officers
9-3 Strategy session of the executive body’s officers meeting

10-1 Provide various opportunities for Korean American youths in Philadelphia to participate in KAAGP
10-2 Establish youth networks
10-3 Youth leadership seminar

11-1 Hold large-scale events for Korean Americans, such as celebrations for Lunar New Year and Korean Thanksgiving Day, and year-end parties
11-2 Invite experts on areas such as education, culture, law, tax, and health, which Korean Americans practically need to know, and provide lectures on living, and hold seminars
11-3 Hold a business fair for Korean Americans intent on starting a new business in order to share the knowhow about businesses that many Korean Americans run and provide assistance (consult with each occupational organization)
11-4 Provide cooperation in applications for U.S. citizenship

12-1 Support the outing of the Senior Citizens Association
12-2 Visit nursing homes and apartments for senior residents
12-3 Hold a feast for senior citizens in connection with restaurants